The course will be quite hands on. We will have five programming assignments. In general, the programming assignments are to be done in groups of 2. Each project will be due 2-3 weeks after it is assigned.

Prior experience has shown that students who begin projects shortly after they are assigned are more likely to succeed. Projects submitted after the day and time they are due will be penalized 10% of the total points of the assignment per day, unless you have made prior arrangements with me due to extenuating circumstances.

You should pick your own group members for your projects, but you may use the Ed discussion for the course to help find group members. You have the option of switching group members between projects but checking with the TA and instructor first. Completing a project individually requires professor’s prior approval.

All code and results you submit must be the original work of your group. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the University of Texas policies and procedures.

Assignment # Topic Released Due
0 Cloudlab and Kathara 01/14/2025 01/23/2025
1 Socket Programming and Measurement 01/23/2025 02/04/2025
2 Software Switch and Router with P4 02/05/2025 02/27/2025
3 Supporting ARP, ICMP, RIP in the Router 02/27/2025 03/13/2025
4 Reliable Transport Protocol and Congestion Control 03/13/2025 04/08/2025